Click here to download the model.
Follow the instructions below to get started:
Open NetLogo folder and click on NetLogo Logging.

Open the Genetic Switch NetLogo Model that you downloaded earlier.
This is a model of a population of bacterial cells, E. coli.
The model starts with different colored E. coli cells, randomly distributed across the world. The E. coli cells move around the world and eat sugar if it’s available to them where they are present. Grey patches (in the image below) contain sugar. Eating sugar increases the energy of an E. coli cell, whereas movement and basic metabolic processes decrease its energy. When the energy of a cell doubles, it reproduces to form two daughter cells of its type (of the same color). If the energy of an E.coli cell reduces to zero, the cell dies.
Different colored cells do not have any ‘advantage’ over other cells in terms of growth rate or sugar consumption.
Components of the model:

How to run the model:
- Click ‘SETUP’ to set the initial population of the bacterial cells.
- Click ‘Go’ to run the model.
This model simulates the growth of a bacterial population. As the model progresses the cells move around. If they are at a patch that has sugar, they eat it.

Use this slider to set the initial number of types (colors) of bacteria in the world.
- Maximum initial population:

Use this slider to set the maximum number of bacteria of all colors in the initial population in the world.

Use this slider to set the carrying capacity of the world. Carrying capacity is the maximum population that can be sustained in the world. This slider changes the availability of sugar in the world and thus controls the maximum population.